Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Adam Yee
Adam Yee
Credit: Amber Kissner

Adam Yee

Review Editor

Adam is a writer, an artist, and an enthusiast for recreation across a broad spectrum. Having recently relocated back to his hometown in Colorado, Adam spends his days teaching and running his family's martial arts school. When he's not training, Adam is most likely riding his skateboard or sharing his love for skateboarding with the next generation at the skatepark. He loves giving back to the skate scene that raised him by coaching at skate camps and volunteering at a local non-profit, Launch: Community Through Skateboarding. On the weekends, he enjoys getting out in nature and hiking, camping, or rock climbing, and if he can't be outside, he's probably drawing, painting, writing, or reading parenting books, as he and his wife are expecting their first child.

Showing 1-1 of 1 by Adam Yee
best skate shoes

The Best Skate Shoes

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