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Author Profile

Alex Glades
Alex Glades

Alex Glades

Review Editor

At a young age, Alex's family moved to England, which sparked his international curiosity. He has since ventured to over 21 countries, including a memorable stint living in New Zealand. Among his most valuable experiences was hiking Choquequirao in Peru and backpacking Southeast Asia. Alex holds a Bachelor's degree in Business and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. He now works as a Physical Therapist and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Coach. Through this, his analytical approach was further enforced by a deep understanding of scientific principles and research. In his free time, he enjoys kayaking, fishing, mountain biking, hiking, and camping. He also spends a considerable amount of time cooking up exotic recipes for his family and grilling in his backyard. Alex lives in Colorado with his wife and two dogs, Banjo and Trout.

Showing 1-3 of 3 by Alex Glades
10 top barefoot shoes

The Best Barefoot Shoes

Our team of barefoot experts has put an entire lineup of men's and women's barefoot shoes to the test. We focused on...