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The Cyrius has a medium fit which provides a comfortable for a wide ra...
The Cyrius has a medium fit which provides a comfortable for a wide range of users, with or without a helmet
Credit: Jason Cronk

Jason Cronk

Review Editor

Jason Cronk has a well-rounded and lengthy outdoor resume that spans over 25 years. He began as a UCSF licensed road cyclist which was interrupted by service with the United States Army, Infantry, where he learned valuable skills like outdoor survival, performing while fatigued, marksmanship, carrying heavy things, and general suffering. While serving, he was stationed in Colorado and exposed to the mountain sports he'd always wanted to learn more about. Since those early years, his favorite activities include alpine, ice, and rock climbing which have included ascents up to 5.12, WI6, M6 and Alaska Grade IV. More recently, ski mountaineering, especially steep and narrow to S6+, and mountain biking have become his favorites activities. Just to mix things up, he also enjoys whitewater rafting, backpacking, sailing, and outdoor travel. His travels (so far!) have taken him all over Western North America, Europe, New Zealand, and the Canary Islands off the west coast of Africa. Having graduated from Boise State University's nursing program, Jason is a registered nurse, but not in the conventional sense. He works out of the hospital, frequently outdoors, as a '9-1-1' flight EMS-RN/EMT flying in by helicopter and sometimes airplane, providing emergency medical care in challenging environments. He has been lucky enough to live in outdoor playgrounds like Colorado Springs, Boise, Lake Tahoe, and will soon be moving to the Tetons with wife Robyn and their two Samoyeds Alyeska and Ullr.

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