Reviews You Can Rely On

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Kat Elliot
Kat Elliot

Katherine Elliott

Senior Review Editor

I have always had a jubilant fondness for the outdoors and the sports that go along with it. It rolls, floats or has a vertical face you can count me in. I may not particularly excel at any one of my many hobbies but a strong will and a lot of determination combined with the pure love of the sport suits me just fine. I hail from the East coast but have been slowly making my way West my entire life. I now call South Lake Tahoe my home and have been a gear guru at Outdoorgearlab for the past 4 years and couldn't imagine my life any differently. One piece of advice that I try to live by is, turn your setbacks into comebacks.

Showing 1-15 of 18 by Katherine Elliott
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Best Laptop Backpack

We've loaded up our laptops, binders, and books in each of these for work, to travel across the globe, and to battle...
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The Best Bike Cargo Trailer

Planning to take an overnight trip by bike or just hoping to lessen your impact by commuting to the grocery store via...
Burton Tinder Review

Burton Tinder Review

Stylish and simple, we love this pack. Others offered better laptop protection, but this model kept us comfortable and...
Osprey Flapjack Review

Osprey Flapjack Review

This pack brings it all together better than the rest. Incredibly versatile for all kinds of settings, it's also...
Incase City Review

Incase City Review

Sleek and chock full of features, the City is an excellent pack with ideal features. Offering protection for your...
Granite Gear Rift 2 Review

Granite Gear Rift 2 Review

Spacious and more than capable of keeping you organized, the Rift is versatile and provides more than enough room for...
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