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Kaylee Walden
Kaylee Walden

Kaylee Walden

Review Editor

Kaylee grew up on her family’s farm in Montana, chasing her ski patrol dad around on the slopes as soon as she could walk, and spending long summer days on mountain trails. Curiosity and a love of wild places have shaped her life. After studying English/Writing and French at MSU - Bozeman, Kaylee did a stint of teaching French in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Upon returning home, she followed a strong draw northward to Alaska, where she discovered sharing the outdoors through guiding, a passion she has developed for the past decade. She’s traveled widely around the world to ski and climb but thinks the most satisfying adventures can be found in her own backyard. Her current home base is 9800 feet in the San Juan Mountains. Kaylee is an American Mountain Guides Association Aspirant Ski Guide, Apprentice Alpine Guide (ASC), and has completed a Pro Level 2, the capstone of avalanche education in the U.S. She guides year-round in southwest Colorado, with a focus on backcountry skiing and teaching avalanche courses, and guides spring ski expeditions and mountaineering ascents of Denali. These pursuits have brought about a deep fascination (obsession) with gear, centered around the value of having precisely the right kit to have your back.

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