Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Liz Chamberlain

Review Editor

In 2016, Liz took off for the Sierra Nevada range and planted two feet in Truckee, CA. Whether it be on snow or dirt, her time is spent ascending and descending the region's lakeside mountains. With 5+ years in customer service roles and a Bachelor's Degree in marketing, Liz has combined her love for linguistics and outdoor adventure through freelance writing and retail sales in one of Truckee's local bike shops. Liz has a keen sense of form, function, quality, and design and maintains honesty and integrity in every review she writes.

Showing 1-15 of 47 by Liz Chamberlain
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10 Best Winter Boots

Over the last decade, we have tested over 100 pairs of winter boots. We trekked through icy river crossings, did...
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The Best Bike Panniers

We bought and tested 12 of the best bike panniers on today's market to help you determine which model is right for...
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The Best Hammocks for 2024

How do you find the perfect hammock in a market exploding with options? You lay around a lot. We tested the top...
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The Best Ski Boots for Women

Need to find a boot that strikes the perfect balance of performance, fit, comfort, and customization? We tested 6 of...
ortlieb vario
Top Pick

Ortlieb Vario Review

This innovative pannier and backpack combo features tough waterproof construction with a comfortable backpack harness...
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