Meg Atteberry always had a knack for adventure and exploration. She started off as a world traveler, couch surfing her way across South East Asia and hiking the Andes in Peru. In 2009 she moved to Colorado and fell in love with the outdoors all over again. Her passion for backpacking, mountaineering, climbing grew until the confines of the 9 to 5 world simply didn’t fit her soul anymore. She struck out on her own and became a full-time freelance writer for the outdoors where she focuses on empowering others to get out there and find their adventure. You can learn more about Meg on her website, Fox in the Forest. When she’s not hugging rocks in the high alpine, Meg enjoys going on hikes with her dog Nina, and cragging with her partner, John. She’d rather be dirty than done up.
Author Profile
Meg Atteberry
Review Editor
Showing 1-12 of 12 by Meg Atteberry
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