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Author Profile

RJ Spurrier
RJ Spurrier

RJ Spurrier

Senior Review Editor

Randy "RJ" Spurrier is a father of two, a tinkerer, and an avid outdoor enthusiast. He is the co-founder of both OutdoorGearLab and rock climbing guidebook publisher, SuperTopo. RJ's hobbies include hiking, climbing, mountain biking, and doing robotics projects with his kids. In the category of climbing, RJ considers himself a kindred spirit to poseur climbers and wannabes everywhere, people like him who seek out climbs with great views, heroic photo opportunities, easy climbing, great pro and a one-move crux. RJ has a Bachelor's degree in robotics from UC Berkeley. He was formerly a Vice President at Adobe Systems, working there for five years after they acquired his Emeryville-based imaging software company.

Showing 1-15 of 43 by RJ Spurrier
the best bike light

The Best Bike Light Review

There's great debate on exactly which is the very best bike light. So who stacks up against who? We combined extensive...
petzl e+lite
Top Pick

Petzl e+LITE Review

This micro headlamp, the size of a small stack of quarters, is the lightest headlamp we know of and by a large margin...
fenix hp25r
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Fenix HP25R Review

Sometimes you just need a super bright light. For those times, little else matters. It doesn't matter if the light is...
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