Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Rob Gaedtke

Review Editor

Rob is a husband, father, avid traveler, and recovering hobby junky. He holds the title of President & CEO of KPS3 and current Board Chair for the Children’s Cabinet. He also holds the title of IronMan (Cozumel), has raced across India in a motorized rickshaw, Jeeped across the Serengeti, and backflipped off the great pyramid.

When he isn’t running a company or off on a crazy adventure, Rob enjoys rock climbing, rafting, backpacking, and building pretty much anything he can get his hands on. And when all of the energy is gone for the day, you can find him sitting on a couch, writing or watching a movie next to his wife Shayna, son Carter, and daughter Hailey.

Showing 1-15 of 29 by Rob Gaedtke
10 top tents

10 Best Tents of 2024

We've tested and rated the top tents in multiple categories and have recommendations for every kind of camper, from...
best camping tents

Best Camping Tents of 2024

From deserts to coastlines, we've tested camping tents for a decade and know a thing or two about sleeping well in the...
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Best Sport Sunglasses of 2024

Looking for the best pair of sport sunglasses available? We researched 100+ models and then bought the 25 best for our...
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10 Best Sunglasses of 2024

Whether you need a pair of sunglasses for a garden party, a trail run, or ripping down a mountain on your new mountain...
How to Choose a Camping Tent

How to Choose a Camping Tent

A camping tent can be a serious investment, with prices ranging from affordable to downright frightening. It can be...
marmot limestone 4

Marmot Limestone 4 Review

If you've outgrown your cheap, big-box store tent and are looking for an upgrade, this will fit the bill. It's not our...
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Snow Peak Alpha Breeze Review

Old-school design meets new-school technology in a unique tent that is built to last. On the flip side, setting this...
marmot tungsten 4

Marmot Tungsten 4 Review

If smaller and simpler is your jam, this tent is a great option for both car camping and the occasional backpacking...
rei co-op wonderland 4

REI Co-op Wonderland 4 Review

This tent will draw some eyes at the campsite with its tall stance, spacious interior, and unique features. It's just...
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