Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Steven Tata

Senior Review Editor

Steven has been seeking out outdoor adventures across the US for the last 20 years. He has climbed Yosemite's El Capitan more than 10 times and climbed extensively throughout the Sierra Nevada, Spain and Alaska. When not rock climbing, Steven can be found on big backcountry ski links-ups and mountaineering adventures. In his tenure at Gear Lab he has reviewed over 200 individual products.

Showing 1-15 of 38 by Steven Tata
best ascenders

The Best Ascenders of 2024

Whether you're gearing up for El Cap, glaicer travel, top-rope soloing, or even taking photos of your buddies at the...
best belay & rappel gloves

Best Climbing Gloves

Want to keep your hands safe while climbing? Whether you're rappelling, belaying, jamming cracks, or aid climbing...
best rope bags

Best Rope Bags for Climbing

Looking to keep your rope safe while you climb and travel? We bought and tested 9 of the best rope bags available to...
Mad Rock R3 Review
Top Pick

Mad Rock R3 Review

The best pad we tested for conforming to lumpy landings and for packing gear. It is also one of the best pads for...
Zeiss Victory HT 10x42 Review

Zeiss Victory HT 10x42 Review

With top notch optical quality the Zeiss Victory HT has everything you'd want form high-end bins, though the Swarovski...
Petzl Kab Review
Top Pick

Petzl Kab Review

The KAB earns a Top Pick Award for its standout performance as a gym climbing model. With a laptop compartment, sleek...
thule force xt xl

Thule Force XT XL Review

This is a solid cargo box that stands out for its durable construction, spacious design, simple mounting system, and...
trango antidote

Trango Antidote Review

The Antidote features a large tarp at 48"x 60" (121cm x 152cm) and a tarp window to see what cord you have within...
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