Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Credit: Wes Berkshire

Wes Berkshire

Review Editor

Wes is an avid skier, biker, backpacker, runner, traveler, and generally loves just about anything he can do outdoors. He has worked in journalism, both on staff and freelance, covering sports, food, lifestyle, even the local court beat. He is predominantly an English teacher and has a BS in Journalism from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Wes spends over 150 days a year outside using and testing gear.

Showing 1-13 of 13 by Wes Berkshire
best ski helmets

Best Ski Helmets

Buying a new ski helmet can be an overwhelming decision, to say the least. There are so many options for so many...
oakley mod5 mips

Oakley Mod5 MIPS Review

Always innovative in everything they do, Oakley now brings that mentality to the ski helmet arena. This teched-out...
salomon mtn lab

Salomon MTN Lab Review

Backcountry skiers will love this purpose-specific helmet for its lightweight, minimalist design and features, as long...
REI Co-op Camp Dome 4 Review

REI Co-op Camp Dome 4 Review

REI has designed the quintessential dome tent with the Camp Dome 4. It won't set the world on fire with high-end...
Marmot Limestone 6 Review

Marmot Limestone 6 Review

The Marmot Limestone 6P is a high-quality, reliable tent. Its features compare to many of our top tents, but the...
Coleman Instant Tent 6 Review

Coleman Instant Tent 6 Review

For the less-than-hardcore camper, this six-person tent offers a supreme easy setup and break down at a solid value...