Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Al Morrison
Al Morrison

Al Morrison

Review Editor

Born and raised in the Midwest, Al grew up an action sports junkie who loves to play and send it. Drawn to the Sierra Nevada for its year-round outdoor activity, Al now lives in South Lake Tahoe, spending any free time mountain biking, snow skiing or hiking. Besides sports, Al enjoys traveling and experiencing nature with friends and family. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in communications, Al started his own woodworking business and is now a carpenter for a local building company in Tahoe.

Showing 1-6 of 6 by Al Morrison
deity tmac
Top Pick

Deity TMAC Review

The Tyler McCaul Signature Pedal TMAC perfectly blends engineering and looks. These beautifully crafted aluminum...
ht pa03a

HT PA03A Review

Flow trails and dirt jumps are where the HT PA03A performs like a champ. A large composite platform and hex headpins...
ht components ae03 evo

HT Components AE03 Evo Review

One of the thinnest profile pedals in this review, the HT AE03 are a great pedal for enduro and trail riders. Despite...
nukeproof horizon pro

Nukeproof Horizon Pro Review

This pedal delivers an excellent grip whether you are cranking uphill or mobbing downhill through rough and technical...