Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Credit: bvalorosi

Briana Valorosi

Review Editor

Born and raised in Northern California, Briana has had the privilege to experience diverse landscapes, cultural richness, and the natural environment. As a graduate of Sustainability Studies, she has gained a holistic approach to the interactions between people and their environments. Over the past seven years, she has been adventuring to the summits of Colorado's 14,000 ft peaks, climbed Tuolumne's granite domes, hiked hundreds of miles of trails from Lake Tahoe to Hawaii and Colorado, travelled internationally and nationally by plane, train, sailboat, and Subaru, and found solace in the beautiful deserts of the southwestern United States. Grateful for these experiences in the wild world, she is on a constant pursuit of adventure and fulfillment where the air is pure.

Showing 1-15 of 27 by Briana Valorosi
Forsake Patch Mid Review

Forsake Patch Mid Review

An all-around pair of boots that offer a stylish appeal and versatility beyond a deep winter Pac boot.
best rain boots for women

The Best Rain Boots for Women

It's always a good time to consider rain boots, from light spring showers to summer thunderstorms to the muck of fall...
kamik heidi 2
Best Buy

Kamik Heidi 2 Review

Made in Canada, these boots are high quality, functional, and budget-friendly. Affordable and stylish, these remain a...
The Best Backpacking Food

The Best Backpacking Food

It's hard to eat like a gourmet when you are backpacking, but if you pay attention you can come closer than you might...
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