Reviews You Can Rely On

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Elizabeth Paashaus
Elizabeth Paashaus

Elizabeth Paashaus

Review Editor

Elizabeth Paashaus found her love for the outdoors through backpacking as a way to prove her self reliance. After earning her degree in graphic design, Elizabeth wasn't ready to sit down in an office and took a 1600 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail. She never got ready to be in front of a computer all day and has spent the last 15 years working in various parts of the outdoor industry from guiding climbs and hikes in Estes Park, CO to retail management in NC. Now Elizabeth travels the country with her husband and two kids in a retired school bus, living on public lands, climbing class routes, paddling through canyons, backpacking the wilderness, and teaching her kids along the way.

Showing 1-15 of 38 by Elizabeth Paashaus
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The Best Hammocks for 2024

How do you find the perfect hammock in a market exploding with options? You lay around a lot. We tested the top...
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The Best Budget Hammock

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