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Author Profile

Isaac Laredo
Isaac Laredo

Isaac Laredo

Review Editor

Isaac Laredo loves three things with all his heart: turns, granite cracks, and golden retrievers. He currently resides in North Lake Tahoe to cultivate stoke from these adventure activities in his backyard; the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Isaac is a recent graduate of Sierra Nevada College in Interdisciplinary Studies: Environmental Science and Outdoor Adventure Leadership. The world-class location allows him to be snowboarding, climbing, or biking almost every day. Fortunately, this provides a lot of opportunity for gear testing. He has AAA professional level avalanche training coupled with a wilderness first responder. Isaac is working toward becoming an AMGA Spiltboard guide. The goal of the continued training is to spend his life facilitating the creation of special moments outdoors through recreating, guiding and educating.

Showing 1-15 of 90 by Isaac Laredo
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