Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Credit: Jeff Colt

Jeff Colt

Review Editor

Jeff Colt is a professional mountain athlete, climate activist, and writer from Aspen, Colorado. While he primarily focuses on ultra-running, he enjoys endurance in most any form. Born and raised among New Hampshire's White Mountains, Jeff grew up ski racing and running on trails and has kept those passions close to heart. He worked in the outdoor industry with leading trail running brands as well as leading camping, climbing, and skiing brands. He is known to send work texts from his In-reach because he often finds himself deep in the backcountry of the Elk Mountains running, biking, skiing, or climbing. From his work as a ski patroller and backcountry first responder to his multi-day efforts, Jeff knows what gear he can trust and is passionate about writing reviews that get newcomers stoked about exploring the mountains.

Showing 1-15 of 29 by Jeff Colt
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