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Credit: brahpbrahp

Joshua Hutchens

Senior Review Editor

Joshua leads our team of bike testers as our Senior Bike Review Editor at GearLab. He grew up riding and racing BMX, taking his first bike shop job at twelve. He's held almost every position in the bike industry, trying to impart his love of two wheels to others. After a few degrees from UC Santa Cruz and Cal Berkeley, he spent many years traveling the world, leading bicycle trips with Backroads. Joshua owned and operated a small boutique bicycle shop in the Pacific Northwest, multiple times, earning Bicycle Retailer's "America's Best Bike Shops" award. After a decade in retail, Joshua co-founded the Lumberyard Indoor Bike Park. He has ridden and raced every cycling discipline but prefers time on his mountain bikes. Bikes have brought him to countless mountain tops, a few podiums, and even an emergency room or two. Hutchens now spends his days testing bikes and coaching kids mountain bike skills through his local community college. He brings a comprehensive understanding of the bicycle industry, bicycle design and bicycle mechanics to his work. Joshua has a discerning eye for critically assessing performance attributes between different bicycle models and most importantly, he loves bikes.

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