Reviews You Can Rely On

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Madison Botzet

Review Editor

Madison's bachelor's degree in Philosophy did not, in fact, help with the development of her life philosophy: play outside often. That came from her love of movement, which she developed at an early age as a gymnast who didn't sit still. Eventually, she transitioned from spending her time throwing flips in the chalky gym to running around in the hills of her hometown. After living in the wheat fields of Walla Walla, Madison moved back to Western Montana and where she spends her time finding new ways to play outside. Recently she picked up river surfing to bridge the shoulder season between uphill skiing and mountain running. After a long day outside, Madison can be found eating copious amounts of chocolate or leading the charge to the dance floor.

Showing 1-12 of 12 by Madison Botzet
CamelBak Sequoia 24 Review

CamelBak Sequoia 24 Review

This pack performs solidly across almost all the metrics we tested and is able to support heavier loads with its...
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Cotopaxi Luzon 24L Review

The Luzon is an untechnical pack that can still make the occasional foray into the wilderness. With great...