Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Jeff Dobronyi
Jeff Dobronyi

Jeff Dobronyi

Review Editor

Jeff Dobronyi is a professional mountain guide and writer from Kelly, Wyoming. His routine changes with the seasons, from backcountry skiing and ice climbing all winter, to ski mountaineering in the spring, to alpine rock climbing in the summer, and finally to rock climbing in the fall. When he's not climbing or skiing, Jeff's other hobbies include mountain biking, running, cooking, reading, playing the drums, and traveling. His lifestyle requires having the right gear for the job, and his life often depends on it. As a mountain guide, Jeff has dedicated his life to helping others enjoy the outdoors, and reviewing outdoor gear is a natural extension of this calling.

Showing 1-15 of 197 by Jeff Dobronyi
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The Best Hardshell Jackets

There are a vast number of hardshell jackets available these days. We purchased the most promising and put them...
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10 Best Winter Boots

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The Best Approach Shoes

Looking for a new pair of approach shoes? We've got you covered. We scrambled, bouldered, sport climbed, and hiked in...
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The Best Ski Pants

We have done the work for you, swapping pants until we could generate the most authoritative comparisons possible. If...
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