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Credit: Aaron Rice

Aaron Rice

Senior Review Editor

Another classic story of a New Englander goes West… Growing up in small-town Massachusetts, Aaron quickly developed a love for hiking and biking in the forests around his home and camping and skiing in the mountains of Vermont and Maine. A pursuit of higher elevations led him first to Boulder, CO, where he cultivated his passion for backcountry skiing while earning a degree in snow and climate science. While in school, Aaron continued to work as an assistant buyer for his hometown ski shop. After graduation he moved to Jackson, WY, to further a proper mountain education. With four year’s experience of skiing and climbing in the Tetons, he moved into working in outdoor ed, and met his wife while co-leading a trip in Alaska; a shared love of high-mountain deserts brought them to northern New Mexico. Now living in Santa Fe, Aaron fulfills his enthusiasm for the outdoors through many forms: as a wilderness instructor for the United World College, co-managing a farm-to-table garden with his wife, as a ski patroller for Ski Santa Fe, and with lots of biking, skiing, and climbing adventures in between.

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