Reviews You Can Rely On

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Jack Cramer
Jack Cramer

Jack Cramer

Review Editor

From as early as he can remember Jack dreamed of adventure, but he struggled to find it growing up in the mundane suburbs of Grand Rapids, MI. He got his first real taste while completing a degree in Biology from Eckerd College. Through their active international education program, he was properly introduced to the outdoors with an ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro, a summer internship on an uninhabited Panamanian island, and a NOLS course in southern Chile. Since then he’s developed his wilderness skills and sought out increasing grander adventures. The more memorable experiences include a solo trek across Mongolia, first ascents of previously unclimbed peaks in Alaska and Argentina, and negotiating otherworldly snow mushrooms en route to Cerro Torre’s rarely visited summit. He’s excited to share the expertise gleaned from these travels to educate others on gear selection and give more people a chance to enjoy the adventures they dream about.

Showing 1-15 of 97 by Jack Cramer
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10 Best Sleeping Bags

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The Best Climbing Shoes

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