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Nathaniel Bailey
Nathaniel Bailey

Nathaniel Bailey

Review Editor

Nathaniel loves going fast outside, whether on foot or bike. An avid, long-time runner, he's competed in track and cross-country at collegiate levels and is today chasing "fast" PR times in road races. Nathaniel is a passionate running coach of high school and recreational runners and is committed to honing his knowledge of running and physiology. When he's not outside running, you'll probably find him on his bike. Among other biking accomplishments, he's cycled across the US unsupported, raced above 10,000 feet, ridden to the top of countless peaks, and paid a few (too many) hospital bills as a result. He has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Kent State University, as well as WFR and EMT certifications. He lives in Washington with his wife, Maryellen, and their two dogs, Benji and Obi.

Showing 1-15 of 69 by Nathaniel Bailey
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